there’s always a place for simple narrative
something that’s not the holy breathlessness of poetry
writing that lacks pretension
and ulterior motives
good plain writing that doesn’t try to do something it’s not
there is no time for that
kind of heaving
that sweatiness
we don’t need that rubbish inflicted on us
it’s enough with all the information
already piled on us everywhere we look
without having something other than that
forced on us as well
something that’s not the holy breathlessness of poetry
writing that lacks pretension
and ulterior motives
good plain writing that doesn’t try to do something it’s not
there is no time for that
kind of heaving
that sweatiness
we don’t need that rubbish inflicted on us
it’s enough with all the information
already piled on us everywhere we look
without having something other than that
forced on us as well