a hot ball of atomic flame will burst out of her mouth and burn everything within a two hundred and fifty kilometre radius to a golden brown crisp
the people there will be the lucky ones because then the disease will spread outwards
monstrous deformations will be observed in new-born babies older citizens will shake uncontrollably to death but perhaps most horribly even the strongest of men will suddenly weaken and start crying in the streets
say it better say it more different things beautiful and funny from her world that perhaps all those busy men can’t see
but that hot ball of speech like always can never be forced up her throat remains there burning
sometimes they seem to be looking straight at her so she pretends she knows what to do in their world
flicking thru a book or looking around like she’s waiting for someone hoping to avoid their accusations suspicions
she gets out of it cleanly most of the time and can get back to looking out at that bright noisy world a tourist with no voice smiling almost at the people that move by her
when sarah found herself materialised in a park soft green slightly wet grass and ants she found a place to sit to try and read more of her serious book
but then this man appeared a man with an angry red face
stared at her addressed her politely
and while she was struggling with that hot furball of speech the man’s face got redder angrier until he started to scream at this girl who wouldn’t acknowledge their rules of talking
his two feet firmly planted in the soil throwing those earhurting packets of hate into her face with words she could almost make out
later when she appeared again walking down a main road in the city she kept looking over her trembling shoulder to make sure that righteous man of hate had not reappeared
he would move on to stalk her days continuing to push her inability up into her face