open baggy tip and bunch now chop a hoon for mates get 5 buck note
rack the rails spin your words stagger acid drips down throat hang head off couch
that one rocks no razor blade single tear white on whiskers wipe and suck now lick the card
heart pound tight in sweaty chest hardout hands flick skoady air
mean mish to mish mind spins ahead from words that stun the tongue with stodgy weight
stumble store foreshore tugboat night to morning spreads to night time lines up
on tabletop glass on eftpos cards in dunny stalls bartops eating coloured spicy snot
watch the sneezes water beer lollipop food chew chew chew the cinders swallow knives
chuddy please too slow sit sit what’s open where’re we headed find who’s there
not yet
rack the rails spin your words stagger acid drips down throat hang head off couch
that one rocks no razor blade single tear white on whiskers wipe and suck now lick the card
heart pound tight in sweaty chest hardout hands flick skoady air
mean mish to mish mind spins ahead from words that stun the tongue with stodgy weight
stumble store foreshore tugboat night to morning spreads to night time lines up
on tabletop glass on eftpos cards in dunny stalls bartops eating coloured spicy snot
watch the sneezes water beer lollipop food chew chew chew the cinders swallow knives
chuddy please too slow sit sit what’s open where’re we headed find who’s there
not yet