Wedding Sonnet.
For Victoria Pang and Nick Chiang.
Close love with words together in this nick
of time, and in time nick a timeless vic-
tory. Words - just words - but with words we stick
a heart to heart, and with love for breath quick
-en names and bodies matched so close they click
in place: breath, hearts a perfect rhyme, no trick
involved; words here bind in life's magnetic
field. Names in breath's flame take a single wick
and with their ceaseless steadying flick
-er ignite the skies with loves electric:
Sound and shape so closesly bound, the cynic
in this clean light sees doubt fall pale and sick.
And though the words etched here may skip and jang
-le, each word is found fit with love's sweet pang.
Close love with words together in this nick
of time, and in time nick a timeless vic-
tory. Words - just words - but with words we stick
a heart to heart, and with love for breath quick
-en names and bodies matched so close they click
in place: breath, hearts a perfect rhyme, no trick
involved; words here bind in life's magnetic
field. Names in breath's flame take a single wick
and with their ceaseless steadying flick
-er ignite the skies with loves electric:
Sound and shape so closesly bound, the cynic
in this clean light sees doubt fall pale and sick.
And though the words etched here may skip and jang
-le, each word is found fit with love's sweet pang.