rare meet half rock star half dumb cunt can’t wait fuck hard good wait sigh done
grin kiss turn away game over dump girl gone fuck shit fuck dumb cunt? just cunt
don’t play this game take lift onto roof lead away high time bare body rule free
look down deep drop last look wait… jump **************************game over game over************************** **************************game over game over**************************
her friends got sick of all her lies “today’s my last day i’ll start tomorrow” “i had one just last week” “i can start if i want to” they’d heard it all too many times
and the tension around the house all that sneaking
she had to duck into a pub on her way home from work to absorb its fog of cigarettes hoping it would mask the shame another day of non-smoking
she’d sit in the pub passively envying the smokers’ cool ease longing to share their sweet stale aura
it wasn’t easy no smoko no way to start a conversation no “come and join us for a smoke” that whole smoke culture of giving taking sharing smokes denied and even after all those patches nicotine gum boyfriend’s glares three day plans toll free advice nothing
she’d have to admit it sooner or later she just didn’t have the strength to quit
she’s doing history over in Perth and doesn’t really mind being away from home. she loves to lie on the white sands of the city’s beaches. once, on a dare, she slyly slipped out her left breast and snorted at those apes, eyes breaking like sores as they worked their frustrated paws. everything about them is so… grey. it’s sickening they survive so well - can they do nothing but pullulate?
she thinks of home, far away over those red sands drowning her mind. it’s hard to survive this country, its history a mess of sores, a history of apes. mouthing learned words like … “pullulate”, they call themselves blameless, but they lie. it’s disgusting how they dare to pick so at this country’s tender breast with such savage, greasy paws. they’ve mauled it, left all lifeless, grey, and chased her all the way to Perth.
clearly Perth wasn’t far enough. can she dare make such running home? how can she survive this land, its history, this mass of grey beating her breast? the dance of apes is danced now in her mind. they…well…pullulate her spirit’s teeming sores. it’s enough to give one pause: does the only chance of peace now lie under those unspeaking sands?
what does “pullulate” mean anyway? what is history but the sweep of shifting sands? what place is left to dare? it’s neither Cairns nor Perth. if she hopes to survive, she must find a home for a battered mind, a lonely, aching breast. she says her heart is happy as it apes its cultured lessons, turning grey; drained as she is from their sores, what is left but to lie, her hands becoming paws.